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Université de Bordeaux Team

Prof. Dr Henri Cramail
PhD degree in Polymer Chemistry in 1990 at the University of Bordeaux and Junior Member of the ‘Institut Universitaire de France’ (2004). Professor of Polymer Chemistry at the University of Bordeaux since 1999, Director of the Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques (LCPO), CNRS-University of Bordeaux, from 2007 to 2016. He is currently leading the ‘Biopolymer and bio-based polymers’ Team within LCPO. 210 refereed papers, inventor of 40 patents, > 90 invited international conference presentations (h-index = 41).
Main expertise: His research areas are currently focused on the development of green polymer syntheses and processes to create novel bio-based polymers for sustainable technologies. Step-growth polymerization – Dispersion and mini-emulsion polymerizations – Bio-sourced polymers (Polyurethanes, Non-isocyanate Polyurethanes, Epoxy Networks, Polyesters) – Bio-based amphiphiles – Fatty acids – Lignin – Oligosaccharides

Dr. Audrey Llevot
PhD in 2014 from the University of Bordeaux. Assistant professor at Bordeaux INP (Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux), research in polymer chemistry at the LCPO, permanent member of the polymerization catalysis & engineering team. Teaching polymer science, analytical and organic chemistry at ENSCBP. 20 referred papers, co-inventor of 2 patents, 2 invited international conference presentation (h-index = 13)
Main expertise: Bio-sourced polymers – Macromolecular engineering – Catalysis – Polymeric networks – Recyclability

Dr. Étienne Grau
Dr. Étienne Grau was trained in chemistry and physical chemistry at the ENS Cachan and then undertook a PhD in polymer chemistry. Currently, he is Assistant Professor at LCPO in the group of Pr Henri Cramail. 65 papers and 9 patents (h-index = 20).
Main expertise: valorization of biomass and more specifically on the synthesis of fatty-acid based thermoplastic polymers. He also manages a platform of equipments for chemistry under high pressure (ethylene, propylene, CO2, H2 …). The related research topics concern the polymer foaming by supercritical CO2, the polymerization in CO2, coordination-insertion polymerization of ethylene and chemical valorization of CO2.

Dr. Thomas Vidil
Dr. Thomas Vidil received his master degree from the Graduate School of Chemistry and Physics of Paris (ESPCI, France) in 2011, with a specialization in polymer science. In 2015, he obtained his Ph.D. in polymer chemistry at the Soft Matter and Chemistry Laboratory (University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France) and in collaboration with the company Schlumberger (Cambridge, MA, United-States). By the end of 2015, he joined the group of Prof. Marc A. Hillmyer at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, United-States) as a post-doctoral researcher. In 2017, he received a grant to join the Laboratory of Organic Polymer Chemistry (LCPO, University of Bordeaux, France) in the frame of the cluster of excellence AMADEus (Advanced MAterials by DEsign). In 2018, he became a permanent staff member of the same team where he was appointed to the position of Full-time Researcher by the CNRS (The French National Centre for Scientific Research).
Main expertise: Non-Isocyanate Polyurethanes as well as photo-polymerization and 3D-printing.